Friday 27 November 2020


There are memories that time does not erase

Forever does not make loss forgettable, only bearable...

I've never tried to blocks out the memories of the past, 
Even though some are painful.
Because everything we lived through helps to make us the person we are now,
Let's us not burthen our remembrance with a heaviness that's gone...
Good times become good memories,
Bad times become good lesson.
No one can ever take our memories from us except Allah...
Each day is a new beginning, 
So make good memories every day.
It may be no more than a memory,
But if it is a worthy one, 
I shall not regret the price...
When tomorrow comes, 
This day will be gone forever,
But I shall hold something which I have traded for it... 

In memory

Loves of my life ๐Ÿ’“

Wednesday 9 September 2020

Live Your Life

Life is not just about holding on,
Life is about moving through, moving on, growing up and growing through each and every experience...
Pain changes people but it also makes us stronger...!

Everyone goes through hard times at some point...
Life isn't easy, 
Life isn't meant to be easy,
It's meant to be lived...
Sometimes happy and sometimes it could be so rough...
But every up and down,
We learn lessons that make us strong... 

Did you know the people that are the strongest are usually the most sensitive..? 
Did you know the people who exhibit the most kindness are the first to get mistreated..?
Did you know the ones who take care of others all the time are usually the ones who need it the most..? 
Did you know the three hardest things to say are I love you, I'm sorry, and help me..?

In a world where you can be anything,
Always choose to be kind... ❤️

Links murottal Al-Quran 30 juzuk

Ini link murottal Al-Quran 30 juz yang boleh terus play tanpa perlu di download. 

Juga ada option untuk download bagi setiap juzuk jika ingin simpan ke memori handphone/laptop/komputer anda. 

Juz 1 ⇨
Juz 2 ⇨
Juz 3 ⇨
Juz 4 ⇨
Juz 5 ⇨
Juz 6 ⇨
Juz 7 ⇨
Juz 8 ⇨
Juz 9 ⇨
Juz 10 ⇨
Juz 11 ⇨
Juz 12 ⇨
Juz 13 ⇨
Juz 14 ⇨
Juz 15 ⇨
Juz 16 ⇨
Juz 17 ⇨
Juz 18 ⇨
Juz 19 ⇨
Juz 20 ⇨
Juz 21 ⇨
Juz 22 ⇨
Juz 23 ⇨
Juz 24 ⇨
Juz 25 ⇨
Juz 26 ⇨
Juz 27 ⇨
Juz 28 ⇨
Juz 29 ⇨
Juz 30 ⇨

Sila disebarluaskan semoga menjadi amal jariah bagi kita semua... ๐Ÿคฒ๐Ÿผ๐Ÿคฒ๐Ÿผ๐Ÿคฒ๐Ÿผ

Thursday 9 July 2020

Enjoying My Motherhood Life

Loves of My Life ๐Ÿ’•

As a mama, i’m not perfect...
I make mistakes,
I forget things,
I lose my cool,
And somedays I go a little crazy...
But it’s okay because in the end,
No one could ever love my child the way i do..

I’ve carried these kids within my body,
I’ve slept with them on my chest,
I’ve kissed toes and wiped away tears,
I’ve been vomited on, peed on, and spent sleepless nights cradling my child,
But I wouldn’t have it any other way...

My body isn’t magazine perfect,
But when I look in the mirror,
I see a mama,
And i guess there is no greater honor, love or blessing for being their mom...


Wednesday 8 July 2020

Be Happy

People say, you can tell how happy a person is by what they have...
I say, you can truly see happiness through their eyes and smile...

Alhamdulillah, i learn to be more grateful now...
Embrace the process and grow gracefully...

No hatred, just love...
I chose to be happy with who and what I am and my love ones, family and true friends...

Stay steadfast and firm with what you believe...
Allah is enough... 

Be happy and true to yourself, always... ๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿ˜‰

Tuesday 7 July 2020

La Tahzan

La Tahzan, Innallah Hamaana... ๐Ÿ’•

Optimislah dengan ujian,
Itu hadiah Tuhan,
Dari jutaan insan, 
Engkau pilihan-Nya...

Kita rasa kitalah yang besar ujiannya,
Kita rasa kitalah paling berat bebanannya...
Come on,
Ada orang lagi besar ujiannya,
Lagi berat bebanannya...

Jangan merungut sayang,
Jangan mengeluh walau sedetik...

Kita milik Dia. 
Dan selamanya...
Maka Dia berhak menentukan yang sebaiknya buat kita,
Bukan hanya di dunia,
Bahkan hingga ke daerah sana...

Jalan takdir Allah tak pernah salah,
Berbaik sangkalah dengan aturan-Nya...

Jika perlu untuk engkau menangis, 
Maka menangislah... 
Tapi sayang, 
Jangan sedih lama-lama, 
Nanti nampak macam kita kurang redha pula dengan apa yang Allah aturkan... 
Pujuklah hatimu, 
Andai dugaan yang mendatang itu seakan menghimpitmu...

Takdir Allah is something yang unexpected...! 

Miracle things may come soon,
So soon...
Engkau harus percaya,
Ya, percaya..!

La tahzan...

Syurga itu mahal sayang, 
Bukan mudah kita nak dapat...

Even people always said, 
Benda yang payah nak dapat itulah yang kita akan benar-benar hargai, 
Dan kita pasti bahagia sangat bila dapat...

Itu pasti, 

Tapi terkadang ada masa kita jatuh, 
Tak mampu nak bangun... 
Tapi, ingatlah,
Walau apa pun, 
Allah akan tetap menemani, 
Just beside you, 

Allah akan ubat luka di hati kita, 

Inilah hadiah buat hamba-Nya yang bertabah..!
Masakan tidak,
Dari berbillion manusia di muka bumi ini,
Engkau pilihannya...
Bila Allah redha, 
Allah akan mudahkan...

Tak mudah,
Memang tak mudah, 
Siapa kata mudah..?
Tapi inilah kasih sayang Tuhan,
Berdamailah dengan takdir-Nya...

Dan sampai masa kita akan faham, 
Ada perkara yang memang dah tertulis akan terjadi, 
Dan tertulis di Luh Mahfuz, 
Dan kita mesti berhenti daripada memaksa ia jadi macam yang kita nak...

Tetaplah sabar dan redha dengan aturan-Nya, 
Bukalah surat cinta dari-Nya, 
Pasti akan damai hatimu...

”Maka hanya bersabar itulah yang terbaik (bagiku)” [Yusuf: 18]

La tahzan,
Kesatlah air matamu sayang...
Allah ada, 
Allah tahu...
Bukan Allah tidak peduli,
Bukan Allah hendak menyeksamu,
Bukan Allah sudah tidak melihat usaha dan doa-doamu,
Bukan Dia tidak kisah air matamu,
Dia cuma hendak kamu tahu, 
Bahawa Dia menyayangimu, 
Sangat menyayangimu...

“Dan bertakwalah kepada Allah, sungguh, Allah Mengetahui segala isi hati.” [Al-Maidah:7]

Dan ingatlah,

“Kebahagiaan kita tidak terletak pada harta, tidak pada penampilan diri, tidak juga pada gemerlap perhiasan dan keindahan dunia. Ukuran kebahagiaan terkait erat pada hati dan ruh manusia yang mendamba redha Tuhannya.” -Hasan Al-Banna-

La tahzan sayang, innallah hamaana...

Dia memilihmu kerana Dia ingin kau kembali padanya... 
Semoga mati kita nanti dalam keredhaan-Nya jua...

Jadilah wanita yang paling bahagia...! 

Monday 6 July 2020

My Husband, Cakes and Love

Cakes homemade with love by Mr. Papa ๐Ÿฐ

Today, my husband baked another cake for our kids and me...! ๐Ÿ˜

Walnut Butterscotch Cake triple layer

Almond praline tu crunchy and mildly sweet, perfect to my taste bud ๐Ÿคฉ☺️

As usual ๐Ÿ’ฏ prepared and homemade all by himself, special for wife and kids.. ๐Ÿฅฐ 

Ni kali pertama dia buat kek ni, hasil kejadian and rasa kek is quite amazing as it is his first butterscotch cake...
Almond praline tu crunchy and mildly sweet, perfect to my taste bud...! ๐Ÿคฉ☺️

Bagi dia, suatu kepuasan bila tengok isteri and anak² enjoy makan kek yg dia buat, kadang² dia bawak ke office jugak, bagi kat officemates and anak² buah dia kat office/lab merasa kek² yg dia buat...

Pastu bila diorang puji, beria dia balik rumah cerita kat bini ni haaaa... ๐Ÿ˜†

Memandangkan setiap kali setiap detik buat kek tu macam self therapy and me time untuk diri dia dan dia lebih prefer untuk buat sendiri semuanya (he put 100% focus on every single step and details setiap kali buat kek, such a typical Quality Control Engineer ๐Ÿคช), maka kita tak kacau tak usik apa² setiap kali dia baking...
Dah la dia suka buat kek yang resepinya fussy,  macam² bancuhan kena buat and serbamaneka bahan kena guna...seolah² cabaran buat diri dia sendiri agaknya... ๐Ÿค”
Rasanya dia pernah buat plain moist chocolate cake sekali je sejak kenal dia 7 tahun lepas and another cake yang paling simple pun burnt cheese cake, the rest tu semua kek yang agak leceh and banyak step nak boleh ke siap membuat nya...

Teringat dulu pernah terrr slipped tongue terrrr tegur dia kenapa gitu gini persoalkan cara yg dia buat masa tengah buat kek, terus dia jadi lost focus, stressed and end up kek tu tak sesedap yang dia nak and tak menepati piawaian dia walaupun kitorang kata ok je sedap je...and yes of course, kita dipersalahkan sebab kacau dia masa buat tu... ๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿป‍♀️๐Ÿคท๐Ÿป‍♀️๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป
Lepas kejadian tu, tak berani dah nak tegur or kacau waktu dia baking dan dia sendiri pun lebih prefer buat waktu tengah malam waktu anak² dah tidur atau waktu wife dia tengah layan drama Korea... ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜‚

Just sharing some pictures of homemade homemade cakes by him ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿป๐Ÿ˜‰

Devils Chocolate Cheese Cake @ Kek Coklat Hantu

Red Velvet Cheese Cake and Beef Steak by him

Mango Cheese Cake


Masa ni buat tiramisu ni jadikan modal memujuk bini yang tengah merajuk... ๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜‚

Red Velvet Cake by him and caramel pudding by me

Yang ni buat untuk family and adik² yang datang berkunjung...

2 tahun lepas both of us buat again and again Devils Chocolate Cake and beberapa vasiasi Cheese Cake (blueberry, mango, strawberry etc) sampai tahap jadi jualan...alhamdulillah terjual ±800 packs but then bisnes kami tergendala sebab dah makin sarat mengandungkan Danial...
Sampai sekarang tak restart lagi bisnes kek tu walaupun ramai yang mintak open order... ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿคฃ

Banyak lagi kek² lain yang dia dah buat untuk kami makan kat rumah tapi kena cari semula gambar² nya dan banyak jugak kek yang kami lupa snap gambar, dah nak habis makan baru teringat tak snap gambar pun... ๐Ÿคฃ

Nasib baik la body bini and anak² bukan jenis yang mudah naik badan...tapiiii kalau nanti bini ni makin tua makin naik badan, jangan sesekali komplen yer...!! ☝️๐Ÿ˜

Kalau menggemoks, kita mesti menggemok sama²... ๐Ÿ˜Œ๐Ÿคช๐Ÿ˜

Apa² pun, thanks a lot dearest husband for the cakes and loves... ๐Ÿ˜˜

Sunday 5 July 2020

Being A Mom Is Not Easy, But I'm Sure It's Gonna Be Worth It

Sebab untuk kesekian kalinya, ada orang kata nampak kita ni syok, best sangat hidup sebab tak serabut tak stress dengan kerja and tak perlu melayan kerenah bos² dan rakan sekerja, heaven je sokmo duduk kat rumah je dgn anak²...
Selamberrr je dia cakap "Best la mu tak kerja duk 'sajje' (tak buat apa²) kat rumah tu, alaaaa apa la sangat penat dan stress jadi suri rumah, rugi je belajar penat², dah kerja bagus² tapi baru anak sorang dua dah berhenti kerja jadi suri rumah je...bla bla bla yadda yadda yaddaa.....".

Seriously, ayat² gitu memang bikin hati ni rasa bercampur baur...
Dan adakalanya hanya balas dengan senyuman sebab tak rasa diorang yang cakap gitu mampu faham selagi dia sendiri tak jadi ibu yang kerjanya suri rumah sepenuh masa, tambah lagi dengan tinggal menetap jauh dari dua² belah keluarga...

So today, here i go...
Kasi up la satu gambar and status yang tak berapa nak best ni...

Gambar ni dirakam masa tengah struggle untuk tenangkan dulu diri sendiri sebelum pujuk baik² untuk tenangkan anak²...
Gambar ni asalnya dirakam untuk tunjuk pada suami keadaan anak² bila dia cakap kejap lagi dia balik kerja...takde la sampai rumah je kang dia pulak terganggu emosi dan tertanya² kenapa anak dua² melalak menangis, isteri pulak berserabai berpeluh² muka serabut...
Time tengah sibuk prepare nak hidangkan makanan untuk suami yang kejap lagi nak balik kerja and sapu rumah sambil kemaskan serba sikit mainan anak yang bersepah kat ruang tamu, tiba² sorang nangis meraung bangun tidur tengok tv dah tutup, sorang lagi nangis terkejut tengah tidur dengar kakak nangis kuat sangat... ๐Ÿ˜ฃ
Si kakak makin manja, adik plak pantang dengar kakak nangis nak ikut nangis jugak, nangis sambil mulut ternganga² nak menyusu lagi... ๐Ÿค•๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿป‍♀️

Kang ada pulak yang cakap tak pandai manage masa la, perfectionist sangat la, time anak tidur ko kena tidur skali sebab time tu je ko boleh rehat, bla bla bla...
It's hard to explain, seriously...
But i don't think perlu di explain pun unless you are my husband, my family or tetamu yang tiba2 datang ke rumah... 

Ini baru anak 2 orang...tak mampu bayangkan kalau ibu² yg ada anak 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 orang anak tu setiap hari macam mana life diorang kat rumah..? Tambah² lagi yang ada komitmen anak menyusu badan sepenuhnya jugak gini...

Saya pun dah pernah merasa betapa penat dan teruji mental fizikal kerja di site kat loji untuk beberapa tahun and then pernah juga rasa sibuk dan stressful nya kerja di office and pergi kursus/meeting sana sini ke hulu ke hilir for few years...
So, jangan kata saya tak tahu erti penat lelah mencari wang ringgit.. 
And now dah hampir 6 tahun saya jadi full time housewife and stay-at-home mom...

Wallahi, sejak bulan pertama saya resigned dulu hingga kini, adakalanya hati ini sungguh tercalar terguris terluka dengan kata² sebegitu...tak kira la ayat tu keluar dari mulut sesiapa pun, samada dari rakan taulan, saudara mara mahupun sesiapa...

Percayalah, jadi suri rumah mahupun hidup berkarier bekerjaya, semuanya ada learning process, cabaran dan dugaan tersendiri...
Adakah dengan perlekehkan pilihan dan hidup seseorang itu boleh buat kalian rasa lebih hebat? 
Atau rasa meningkat darjat diri..?

Jadi engineer, doktor, nurse, cikgu, peguam mahupun suri rumah sekalipun, semuanya ada cabaran, dugaan dan pengorbanan...
Pilihan yang kita pilih adalah berdasarkan apa yang kita telah lalui dalam hidup kita dan apa yang kita semua lalui hadapi tak sama antara satu sama lain...
Kalau kita tak pandai atau tak mampu memberi kata² yang positif, jangan la terlalu persoalkan apatah lagi memperlekehkan orang lain...
Because in the end of the day, kita semua saling memerlukan untuk terus hidup dan apa kerjaya anda is not the matter most...

Until you walk in someone's life, don't judge...
Don't judge me by what you see, you don't even know half of what I've been through to get to where I am now...
Don't ASSUME anything about someone's life without knowing, you did not live their life...
Don't judge me because I live, love and sin a little differently than you do...
You might not be able to handle half of what i've dealt with...
There's so much reasons i do the things i do, there's a reason i am who i am...! 

Bersangka baik lah, bersyukurlah dengan apa yang kita ada kerana tak semua orang dapat apa yang kita dapat...
Syukur atas segala nikmat dan ujian, itu tandanya kita masih diberi nikmat untuk terus hidup... 

Motherhood life is not easy, but I'm sure it's gonna be worth it...! 

P/s : 
Actually i already posted this on my facebook 2 years ago together with the picture...just share this here again because i think it is still relatable...

Juliana Aziz, 
Isteri dan ibu yang belum sempurna ๐Ÿ‘จ‍๐Ÿ‘ฉ‍๐Ÿ‘ง‍๐Ÿ‘ฆ

Thursday 2 July 2020

Korean drama review : The Empress Ki

Well, just to give some introduction about this drama;
It is basically about a woman born in Korea navigates her way through love, war, politics and national loyalties to become a powerful empress in China's Yuan dynasty.
The series revolves around Gi Seungnyang (Ha Ji Won), a Goryeo-born woman who ascends to power despite the restrictions of the era's class system, and later marries Toghon Temรผr which is Emperor of Mongol Empire (Ji Chang Wook) to become an empress of the Yuan dynasty, instead of her first love, Wang Yu (Joo Jin Moo). It managed to highlight the deep love the Emperor embedded in Lady Ki and depicts her loves and political ambitions.
It was an epic Korean drama based on on a real person ; Empress Gi. 
You can find out informations about her here ๐Ÿ‘‡

I managed to finish all 51 episodes of Empress Ki drama within 4 days during Restrictions Movement Order's periods due to coronavirus disease pandemic in Malaysia...
I didn't count how many hours i didn't move from the sofa since i also take care of my 2 little kiddos while watching the drama... ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜†
But i enjoyed the most during both of them sleep at night, tried to use every seconds of it to watch that drama all night long...
And yes, I'd become like a mombie (mom + zombie) after that 4 days... ๐Ÿ˜‚

Looking at how the growth of emperor's personality and abilities is so satisfying,
Seung Nyang's heartbreaking moments again and again and again but alwasy back to be even stronger is so amazing,
Wang Yu's honesty, loyalty and sacrifices everything even his own life for his love is so overwhelming...
And of course, superb acting by all the supporting casts definitely brings perfection for this drama too...
Obviously this drama is full with actions, emotions and various moral of the story... 

Amazing acting skills not only from leading roles but also from their supporting cast, superb scripts, very well oriented storyline, nice and mesmerising background music soundtracks and of course, various styles of Ji Chang Wook and Ha Ji Won's actings from beginning until the end of this drama and charismatic aura of Jin Mo Ju as Wang Yu is undeniably awesome...!

Overall, this drama is so amazing and spectacular...
So, i think it's all worth it for watching 51 episodes of this drama...

This is the longest Korean drama I've ever watched but i think this drama has become my favourite one and of course, if there is anyone asking for k-drama recommendation, i will surely recommend them to watch Empress Ki..! 
Literally, this is the best and most outstanding historical Korean drama I've ever watched... ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป
No wonder why this drama and the casts got so many awards... ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ˜„

Even after 4 months, i still can't move on from all the songs and music videos from this drama...i play it again and again the soundtracks on YouTube especially Thorn Love and Just Once music video clips... ❤️๐ŸŽถ

Little to know, my husband and me started to adore and become fan of Ha Ji Won after watching this drama...(yes, my husband also a k-drama fan...!) ๐Ÿ˜…

Thanks to my lovely friend Rubee who recommended this drama for me...i had so much fun watching this drama Bee...! ๐Ÿ˜˜

By the way, have u ever seen Ji Chang Wook singing...?
He sang and delivered one of the original soundtrack of this drama To The Butterfly really well...! ๐ŸŽง๐ŸŽผ๐ŸŽต
I found on YouTube that he singing CNBLUE's song I'm a Loner very well too..! ๐Ÿ˜๐ŸŽถ

I watched The Empress Ki drama on Netflix and this is the link ๐Ÿ‘‡ 

Tuesday 30 June 2020

Because I'm just perfectly imperfect

Because I'm just perfectly imperfect 

Bob Marley once said ;

"You may not be her first,
Her last,
Or her only.

She loved before,
She may love again.

But if she loves you now,
What else matters?

She's not perfect — you aren't either,
And the two of you may never be perfect together,
But if she can make you laugh,
Cause you to think twice,
And admit to being human and making mistakes,
Hold onto her and give her the most you can.

She may not be thinking about you every second of the day,
But she will give you a part of her,
That she knows you can break — her heart.

So don't hurt her,
Don't change her,
Don't analyze and
Don't expect more than she can give.

Smile when she makes you happy,
Let her know when she makes you mad,
And miss her when she's not there.

Love with your whole being when you receive love,
Because there are no perfect girls,
But there will always be a girl who is perfect for you..."


Korean Words Learnt From K-drama

Korean Words Learnt

From K-drama 

So, these are some of Korean words and sentences that most of K-drama fans (i am K-drama addict! ๐Ÿ˜†) learnt from Korean dramas and movies ;

์‚ฌ๋ž‘ Sarang : Love
์‚ฌ๋ž‘ํ•ด Saranghae : I love you
๋‚ด ์‚ฌ๋ž‘ Nae sarang : My darling, My love
๊ณ ๋งˆ์›Œ Gomawo : Thanks (informal)
๊ณ ๋งˆ์›Œ์š” Gomawoyo : Thanks (formal)
๊ฐ์‚ฌํ•ฉ๋‹ˆ๋‹ค Gamsahabnida : Thank you (formal)
๊ณ ๋ง™์Šต๋‹ˆ๋‹ค Gomabseubnida : Thank you (formal)
์•„๋‹ˆ์—์š” Anieyo : You're welcome
๋ฏธ์•ˆํ•ด Mianhae : I'm sorry
๋ณด๊ณ  ์‹ถ์–ด Bogo sip-eo : I miss you
ํ™”์ดํŒ… Hwaiting : Good luck, fighting!
์ƒ์ผ ์ถ•ํ•˜ํ•ด Saeng-il chughahae : Happy birthday
์•ˆ๋…•ํ•˜์„ธ์š” Annyeong /Annyeonghaseyo : Hello
์•ผ Ya : Hey!
์•ˆ๋…• Annyeong : Hi, Bye
์ข‹์•„ํ•ด Joh-ahae : I like you, I like it
์‹ซ์–ดํ•ด์š” Sireohaeyo : I hate it
ํ–‰๋ณตํ•ด Haengboghae : I’m happy
ํ—ค์–ด์ง€์ž Heeojija : Let’s break up
๋ฐฅ๋จน์ž Babmeogja : Let’s eat
๋ง›์žˆ๋‹ค Mas-issda / Mashitda : It’s delicious
๊ฐ€์ง€ ๋งˆ Gaji ma : Don’t go
๊ฐ€์ž Gaja : Let’s go
์–ด๋”” Eodi : Where?
์–ด๋””์•ผ Eodiya : Where are you?
์–ธ์ œ Eonjae : When
์™œ Wae : Why?
์•ˆ๋ผ Andwae : It can’t be (it isn’t allowed)
์–ด์„œ์™€ Eosseowa : Welcome
์šธ์ง€ ๋งˆ Ulji ma : Don’t cry
๊ฑฑ์ •ํ•˜์ง€๋งˆ Geokjeonghajima : Don't worry.
์ž˜์ž Jal ja : Sleep well/Good night.
์‚ฌ์ค˜ Sajwo : Buy this for me
์• ๊ต Aegyo : (Acting cute)
๋Œ€๋ฐ• Daebak : Awesome
ํ˜น์‹œ Hoksi : By any chance
์ถ•ํ•˜ํ•ด์š” Chughahaeyo : Congratulation
๋ฐ”๋ณด Babo : Idiot, Fool
์•„์‹ธ Assa : Oh yeah
๊ทธ๋Ÿผ ๊ทธ๋Ÿผ Geureom geureom : Sure, sure
๊ทธ๋ž˜ Geurae : Okay, Really
์‘ Eung : Yeah, Uh huh, Yes
๊ธฐ๋‹ค๋ ค Gidalyeo : Wait for me, Hang on
๋นจ๋ฆฌ Ppalli : Quickly, Fast
๋นจ๋ฆฌ์ฃผ์„ธ์š” Ppallijuseyo : Please faster
์ž ๊น๋งŒ Jamkkanman : Wait for awhile
๋„์•„์ค˜ Doajwo : Please help me
์ œ๋ฐœ Jebal : Please
๋ญ Mwo : What
์•„๋‹ˆ Ani : No
๋„ค Ne : Yes
ํ— Heol : Oh my god!
์•„์ด๊ตฌ Aigu : Oh, no!
์–ด์ฉ” ๊ฑด๋ฐ Ojjeol geonde : What are you going to do
์—ฌ๊ธฐ Yeogi : Here
๋‚ด ๊ฒƒ์ด๋‹ค Nae geos-ida : It's mine
๊ฑฐ์ง“๋ง ํ•˜์ง€๋งˆ Geojinmal hajima : Don’t lie
๋ปฅ์น˜์ง€๋งˆ Ppeongchijima : Don’t lie to me
๊ฑฐ์ง“๋ง์ด์•ผ Geojinmariya : It’s a lie
์•ฝ์† Yagsok : Promise
์•Œ์•˜์–ด Arasseo : Okay, I got it
์ฝœ Kol : Call/Deal
๋น„๋ฐ€ Bimil : Secret
์ง„์งœ Jinjja : Really
ํž˜๋‚ด Him-nae : Cheer up!
ํ• ์ˆ˜์žˆ์–ด Hal-su-isseo : I can do it!
์ด๋ ‡๊ฒŒ Ireoke : Like this?
๊ดœ์ฐฎ์•„? Gwenchana : Are you okay?
์ €๊ธฐ์š” Jeokiyo : Excuse me?
๊ดœ์ฐฎ์•„ Gwaenchanh-a : Okay, Alright, I’m okay, Are you okay?
๋ฐฐ๊ณ ํŒŒ Bae-go-pah? : Are you hungry?
๊ทธ๋ž˜? Geurae : Really?
์ง„์งœ? Jjinjja : Really?
์ •๋ง? Jeongmal : Really?
๋ชฐ๋ผ Molla : Don't know
๊ธ€์Ž„์š” Geulsseyo : Well, I don’t know
๋‹คํ–‰์ด๋‹ค Dahaengida : Just as well/what a relief/thank God
์„ธ์ƒ์—! Sesange : What in the world!?
์žฅ๋‚œํ•ด Jangnanhae : Are you kidding me?
๋„ˆ ๋ฏธ์ณค์–ด? Neo michyeosseo : Are you crazy?
๋ฏธ์นœ๋†ˆ Michinnom : Crazy guy
์‚ฌ๊ณผํ•ด / ์‚ฌ๊ณผํ•˜์„ธ์š” Sagwahae / sagwahaseyo : Apologize!
๊ฑฑ์ •ํ•˜์ง€ ๋งˆ Geogjeonghaji ma : Don’t worry
ํ•˜์ง€๋งˆ Hajima : Don’t do it!
ํ•˜์ง€๋ง๋ผ๊ณ  Hajimallago : I said ‘don’t do that’
์ฃฝ์„๋ž˜ Jug-eullae : Do you want to die?!
๋ญ˜ ๋ด์š” Mwol bwayo : What are you looking at
์–ด๋–กํ•ด Ootteoghae / Ottoke : What do I do, What to do?
์™œ๊ทธ๋ž˜ Waegeurae : What’s wrong, Why are you being like this?
๋ฌด์Šจ ์†Œ๋ฆฌ์•ผ ์ด๊ฒŒ Museun soriya ige : What is this sound
์˜คํ•ด ํ•˜์ง€๋งˆ Ohae hajima : Don’t misunderstand
๋‚˜ ๋จผ์ € ๊ฐˆ๊ฒŒ Na meonjeo galge : I will leave first 
ํ•œ๋ฒˆ๋งŒ Han-beon-man : One more time
์ž˜์ž Jalja : Sleep well, Good night
๋‚ด๊ฐ€ Naega : I, Me
๋„ค๊ฐ€ Nega : You
์ด๋ฆ„ I-reum : Name
๊ฐ€์กฑ Gajog : Family
์•„๋น  Appa : Dad
์•„๋ฒ„์ง€ A-beoji : Dad
์—„๋งˆ Omma : Mom
๋™์ƒ Dongsaeng : Younger Sibling
๋ˆ„์ด Nu-i : Older sister
์˜ค๋ผ๋ฒ„๋‹ˆ Orabeoni : Older brother
์•„๊ธฐ A-gi : Baby
์นœ๊ตฌ Chingu : Friend
์ง์‚ฌ๋ž‘ Jjagsarang : Crush, One-sided love
์‚ผ๊ฐ๊ด€๊ณ„ Samgaggwangye : Love triangle
์ฒซ์‚ฌ๋ž‘ Cheossarang : First love
๋‚จ์ž์นœ๊ตฌ / ๋‚จ์นœ Namjachingu / namchin : Boyfriend
์—ฌ์ž์นœ๊ตฌ / ์—ฌ์นœ Yeojachingu/yeochin : Girlfriend
์„ ๋ฐฐ Sunbae : Senior
ํ›„๋ฐฐ Hoobae : Junior
์–ธ๋‹ˆ Unni : What a female calls an older female
์˜ค๋น  Oppa : What a female calls an older male
๋ˆ„๋‚˜ Noona : What a male calls an older female
ํ˜• Hyung : What a male calls an older male
์•„์ €์”จ Ajeossi : Middle-aged man
์•„์คŒ๋งˆ Ajumma : Middle-aged woman
์•„๊ฐ€์”จ Agasshi : Young lady, Miss
ํํ•˜ Pyeha : Your Majesty
์ „ํ•˜ Jeonha : Your Majesty
์™• Wang : King
์™•๋น„ Wangbi : Queen (current wife of the king)
๋Œ€๋น„ Daebi : Queen Dowager (wife of a deceased king)
์™•์ž Wangja : Prince
์™•์„ธ์ž Wangseja : Crown Prince
๋Œ€๊ตฐ Daegun : Grand Prince (King's Excellency)
๊ณต์ฃผ Gongju : Princess
ํ™”๋ž‘ Hwarang : Flowering knights
์„ ์ƒ๋‹˜ Seonsaengnim : Teacher
์˜์‚ฌ Wisa : Doctor
์Œค Ssam : Doctor, Manager (someone who have title)
๋ŒํŒ” Dolpal : Quack
์ง€์ฃผ Jiju : Landlord
์˜ค๋Š˜ Oneul : Today
๋…„ Nyeon : Year
์›” Wol : Month
ํ•˜๋ฃจ Haru : Day
์˜ค๋Š˜๋ฐค Oneul-bam : Tonight
๊ฐ๊ธฐ Gamgi : Cold
์—ด Yeol : Fever
์˜ˆ๋ป Yeppeo : Pretty
๊ท€์—ฝ๋‹ค Gwiyeobda / Kyeopta : Cute
์•„๋ฆ„๋‹ค์šด Areumdaun : Beautiful
๊ถ Gung : Palace
์‚ฌ์ง„ Sajin : Picture
๋ณ„ Byeol : Star
๋‹ฌ Dal : Moon
๊ณ ์–‘์ด Goyang-i : Cat
ํ˜ธ๋ž‘์ด Horang-i :Tiger
๊ฝƒ Kkoch : Flower
๋˜ฅ Ddong : Shit, Poop
์šฐ์œ  Uyu : Milk
๋”ธ๊ธฐ Ddalgi : Strawberry
๋งˆ์ง€๋ง‰ Majimag : Last

And since I'm a big fan of The King Eternal Monarch drama, this sentence is my favourite one ; ☺️

๋‹น์‹ ์€ ํ™•์‹คํžˆ ์ ์ด ์žˆ์Šต๋‹ˆ๊นŒ? dangsin-eun hwagsilhi jeog-i issseubnikka? : Have you been alright?


I think, most of k-drama fans already know most of these right...? ☺️

So, who said that we learnt nothing by watching K-dramas..? ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿป‍♀️
We didn't watching Korean dramas and movies for nothing, we do learn something (perhaps so many things though)... ๐Ÿ˜œ

Since i don't really understand hangul characters and just try to search in Google how to write those words and sentences in hangul characters, it is my bad if there were any wrong in the spellings...
If you think there are anything that i should adjust and any words or sentences need any correction in this post, it would be much appreciated if you guys could share how to fix or adjust and make it better... ๐Ÿค—

Drop in the comment and share with me if you know any other words or sentences in Korean language..! ๐Ÿ˜‰

I hope this sharing would be beneficial and be some additional knowledges for all of us...
Stay healthy and stay safe from coronavirus guys..! ๐Ÿค—

Juliana Aziz
Non-Korean but K-drama lover,
K-drama fan since 2006