Thursday 7 January 2021

Life Is Short, Make It Sweet

 Life Is Short, Make It Sweet

To those i may have wronged, 

I would like to ask for forgiveness...

To those i may have helped, 

I wish i did more...

To those i neglected to help, 

I would like to ask for understanding...

To those who helped me, 

I sincerely thank u so much...

In the end, only 3 things matter...

How much we loved, 

How gently we lived 

And how gracefully we let go of things not meant for us...

Allah always has something for us, 

A key for every problem, 

A light for every shadow, 

A relief for every sorrow,

And a plan for every tomorrow...

Happiness keeps us sweet, 

Trials keep us strong, 

Sorrows keep us human, 

Failures keep us humble

And Allah, keeps us going...!

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