Tuesday 23 May 2017

Dearest my beloved daughter Dhiya Nur Jannah

A woman's beauty is not in her features, the shade of her skin, or her possessions...true beauty is in her heart, in her Imaan, in her Taqwa & love for her Deen - which is shown through her Hijab & her righteous actions...few men understand this....even fewer women do!

People say, I want someone to be there for me...they forget that Allah is always there for us...
People say, I want someone to care for me...they forget that Allah cares even when we forget Him...
Love Allah - He will protect u, He will care for u, and He will always be there for u...

Most important is, always remember that mama & papa's love for u will never be as much as Allah love u...

Mama ❤

#DhiyaNurJannah #BelovedBabyGirl

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